Sunday, June 20, 2010

My husband...the soon to be Daddy

As I was thinking about what to write on this wonderful Father's Day, I thought it would be fun to write down all the reasons why I think Michael is going to make an amazing Daddy. He is almost an official Dad, actually any day now it will become official, so I guess right now are my last few moments to ponder on why I think he's GOING to be an amazing Dad, and then next year I can write about how he IS an amazing Dad! (=

  • Ever since I've been pregnant, there is an excitement that I have seen in him that I have never seen before.
  • He LOVES babies! I think he may even love them more than me.
  • Whenever we are around my friends babies he'll play with them.
  • He's patient...he's married to me...he HAS to be (and likewise LOL sorry, I just HAD to throw that in ha ha ha)
  • He's very energetic, playful and fun loving. I know that our kids will LOVE to play with their Daddy.
  • He is very protective. I know that our kids will feel extremely safe and protected by their Daddy. I know that I do.
  • Every time we are with babies, or little kids he loves to teach them little things just to see if they can do it, like sticking out their tongues, or blowing bubbles in the water and what not. He has a LOT of fun with this! ha ha ha ha
  • Most importantly, he has a strong testimony and knowledge of the gospel and he will teach our children to love the gospel.
There is so much more that I can add to this list, but all in all I want to say that I am SO incredibly grateful, for not the only the husband that I have, but for the Father he is going to be.

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