Sunday, June 6, 2010

Last night something hit me a little harder than it ever has before. I've definitely thought about how Michael and I soon won't be alone much longer, but last night, for the first time, I was kind of sad about it. We've had about four wonderful years together, just him and I, and there was even many years before then. We've known each other for almost ten years now, and although those past ten years we weren't always together, we were never known as parents, but just us (if that makes sense). Now the time has come and soon we are going to be bringing life into this world and it's going to be the most amazing thing ever. I know it's going to be life changing, and more than I could ever expect, but one thing for sure is that the relationship between Michael and I will change. I don't mean that in a negative way, AT ALL, but it will be a big change in our lives. Don't get me wrong, we can't wait for a little man to arrive. We are counting down the days, hours and minutes, and we look forward to and are so incredibly thankful for this is amazing blessing.

Last night I cuddled with Michael and I told him, "I'm going to miss it just being you and I." He innocently replies, "Ya, you're going to have a new love of your life" And then I told him, "But you will always be my number one!" I told him that we'll still have to hang out, with just him and I! These feelings DO NOT take away from the excitement of having our little Hunter, but it seems like we've learned about more and more cases where the wife/mother, forget about their husbands because they are so infatuated with their children. It's not healthy. Heavenly Father first gave me a husband and then we will have our dear, sweet children. We will raise them together, as a team, and we will be a foundation for them to rely on. How could we do that if we are not one? Husband and wife time is so important and it makes me sad to see mothers who have forgotten that. I will be attached to my children (How could I not be!?) But I'm already attached to my husband and will be forever. Besides, before we know it, our kids will grow, and then it will be just Michael and I again. These feelings and thoughts DO NOT take away from motherhood whatsoever, but I hope that mothers/wives remember to keep a strong and eternal bond with their husband so that they may raise their children together as one.


Jessica Lynn Perkins said...

It does get hard to keep the love alive when you have kids. Not so much because you are more in love with your baby than your husband, but for me it's hard because the baby needs help with everything and sometimes husbands act like they are helpless which makes you mad. But you are right! Nothing makes children happier than when their parents are in love. It's important to nurture both relationships!

Simonds Family said...

I think you are very wise to realize that it is a profound change you undergo bringing a baby into your family. I think the biggest thing that happens is the kind of love that enters between you and your husband. Enlightenment writers referred to it as, "the bonds of charity," ie you and your husband become bound together in the love/charity you both have for that child you bring into your home. So your relationship as it is now may change and sometimes it might be even a somewhat painful lose but I believe that is "because the love and the suffering are but two sides of a single reality" (Elder Hafen) that make you grow in charity. Sorry, that was long; just something I've thought about quite a bit so it kind of came flooding out! lol. =)

Mas*tailor* made in Heaven said...

You two girls are so sweet. What better people to give me advice and words of wisdom of being a mother and a wife! I can't wait to experience it! Love you both!