Wednesday, February 1, 2012

There's honestly not very much I want to say right now...

As of right now...I already miss being pregnant...I miss it soooo bad and I'm heart broken...I miss the baby girl that I had inside of me...

Monday, at about 2pm we didn't see that flickering light on the ultrasound screen. Out of the options that were given, we decided to take the one that put us in the hospital right away...after a long and painful process I delivered my baby girl at 3:55 am on January 31st. She was 14 ounces, 8 inches could tell that her poor little body had been in so much distress and she didn't look anything close to what a 22 week baby would look like.

And I held her, and loved her...and although there are no words to describe the heart ache of that brief moment I felt peace knowing that she was healed...she was in Heaven with her Heavenly Father.

There is much more I want to share...but I want to end with saying thank you again for your prayers, love and support.

Sincerely, Rosalie, Michael and Baby Elle


Ricki said...

Oh my sweet Rosalie! My heart is with you. My first pregnancy ended in the 4th month, a baby boy that was not developed like he should have been. So I know your heartache to some degree. Yes, the Atonement covers our sorrows, too. And all losses will be made up to us if we remain faithful. Love you. Ricki Gibbons

Billie said...

I don't have any way to relate to what you have been going through. And I haven't reached out too much. But you are on my mind and in my prayers. As well as Hunter and Michael. Opening up and sharing like you have on the blog is really wonderful. You will be so grateful later when you go back to read. And thankyou for letting others share in your journey in this way too.
We can't wait till your feeling better Rosalie!
I love the picture with the baby girl and Jesus! It is beautiful! Your Baby Ella is lucky to be there now!

Melissa said...

All I can say is that you are incredible.

Unknown said...

Rosalie, sweetie...I recently told you my story of losing my 2nd child (between Ginia and Kelly) at 22 weeks. But I didn't make the same decisions you made, to hold and love the baby. You are so strong and such an inspiration to all. Your little angel will be waiting on you, and loving her time in heaven.

Lesley said...

Rosalie, I am Melissa Turney's aunt and found your blog through hers. I hope you don't mind my dropping by. As a mother who has also lost a daughter; I find myself drawn to your blog and your tender story. I just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. May the Lord bless you and your sweet family.

Hugs from,
Lesley Leger