Monday, July 19, 2010

Meet Hunter Michael: 1 Month

Happy one month! I can't believe it's already been that long. It's been quite the experience so far and I really like it here. So here's a little bit about me!

1 month

length: approx 22inches
weight: approx. 10 lbs.
clothes:NB and some 0-3 (This past week I just started to fit in to most of my clothes. Before, a lot of them would hang off my skinny body)
diaper size: I JUST moved up to size 1 I'm moving on up!!

I have grayish blue eyes and I'm not sure what color they will be but everyone thinks I will end up with my Daddy's big blue eyes.

I already have nicknames from my Mommy and Daddy
From my Mom: Mr. Bug, Buggy, or just BUG, Booger, Mister, Hunny Bun
From my Dad: Big Boy, Frog man, Frogger (Because of how I always have my legs and that's what they call Navy Seals)

I get really impatient when I'm hungry and act like it's the end of the world when I don't get food right away.

I almost always go to sleep in my basinett but then end up in bed next to my Mom after my midnight feedings (Mommy REALLY likes to cuddle with me. Daddy says that she treats me like her own personal doll)Plus I cry when I have to go back to my own bed. My parents bed is just SO comfy!

I HATE the cold and I usually cry when I get my diaper changed because I'm so exposed to the elements. Not cool...

I have a lot of dark brown hair, long fingers, and long feet. My body is pretty slender too...I don't even have to work out and I look pretty good! Although I'm start to get a breast milk belly...hmmm...I better watch that.

I'm a pretty good sleeper and can sleep through loud noises, like fireworks on the 4th of July, and gun shots (I know that may sound weird, but my Daddy really likes to go shooting and I guess he's already starting to get me used to it) Also, I like to sleep all sprawled out. (Like my Daddy)

During the end of my first month I've been crying so much that I'm starting to lose my voice. It sounds raspy...My Mommy really doesn't like it, because she worries about my vocal chords and well being too of course. It's like she wants me to be a singer or something. I don't know why I've been crying so much, maybe I'm going through a phase or something.

I get the hiccups a lot.

I have a really cool room that my Mom decorated for me in Sea Turtles, kind of like Finding Nemo, that's her favorite Pixar movie, and I can't wait til' I get to sleep and play in there. I'm too small right now.

I wiggle around a lot.

I'm pretty much really, really, really, really, really, really, good looking. Don't believe me? Just look at my first baby model photo shoot, then you'll believe me.
Go to Proofs Username:Rosalie Password:Mastaler

Oh and quick side note, during this photo shoot something really cool happened. I wanted to laugh SO hard, but I don't know how to yet. But get this...I peed and pooped ALL over my Dad when we did this photo shoot. It was great! We all got a good laugh out of it.

My favorite is when I'm held in burping position over the shoulder, with my back being rubbed or patted. I also like it when my Mom sings "La La Lu" to me. That's the song she always sings to get me to calm down, but sometimes it takes a lot of singing because I cry just to cry sometimes...

I'm pretty strong. From the very beginning I could hold up my head pretty well, and I can even shimmy and kinda crawl over my boppy when my Mom puts me on my tummy. I don't like to do it...but she said that it will make me stronger so I guess I'll deal.

Some of the cutest things I do, and I think this is general with all sneeze, yawn, hiccup, make faces, cough, okay I guess everything I do is extremely adorable, and this is according to my Mommy and Daddy, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles...okay EVERYONE...but like I said, that's according to them, I don't want to sound like I'm bragging or anything.

Well, speaking of bragging...I better stop talking about myself or I may sound a little self centered, but I just want to say one more thing that is REALLY important.

My Mommy and Daddy give me a lot of hugs, and kisses. They always stare at me, and although that may seem like it would be awkward, every time they look at me, I can see the love in their eyes for me. I know that I mean everything to them and they love me more than I will ever know. I guess that must mean that I'm pretty special. I know that I've changed their world since the day I was born, and they seem really happy about it. I'm so glad that I will be with them for all of eternity.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

LOL Hunter is very expressive :) So cute!